Who is Red John?

Theory #7890 • by Frostess


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I know that Partridge is supposedly dead, but I still believe he is Red John and have thought so since the episode that Patrick was kidnapped. He is the only suspect that was on the very first episode. His voice matched when Patrick was kidnapped. He appears a bit stupid around Patrick, I believe on purpose. He also appeared on the 2 episodes with Red John copycats. He could easily fake his own death being that he is a medical examiner and we all know that Red John has many followers within LE. How hard would it be to have followers in the ME office as well? And something that I just discovered today is that the name "Brett Partridge" is an anagram for Red Tiger Trap with only 2 letters not being used. Out of the 7 suspects, he is the least likely, yet the most obvious if you ask me.

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