Who is Red John?

Theory #7300 • by Bertridgelawl


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Just a repost of my poll, for everyone who didn't have voted yet.

I have created a little poll about the seven suspects and I would be
glad, if you vote for your favorite suspect. It just contains the seven
suspects and additionally "no one of the list".
I know, a lot of people here don't trust the list and have other suspects or believe that Red John is not a single person.
I'm convinced that he is a single person of that list and furthermore I
was too lazy, to fill the poll with every suspect, that was ever
suspected on this page.
So please don't be upset, if your favorite
suspect is not in that poll. Otherwise, it is in your option to create
another poll with more suspects. :)

I have a little bit my doubts that it works, but please everyone just one vote. Otherwise we won't get valid results.
I really would like to see who is currently the most suspected person and I'm convinced, the most of you too.


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