Who is Red John?

Theory #7243 • by Becca Bullamore


Lorelei Martins

Lorelei Martins
Suspected in 44 theories


To start off, I'm not saying she is red john, but it made me pick someone.

It's just about the tyger tyger and red john thing. Remember the FBI hiding her away from patrick jayne? The group is linked to red john somehow, maybe he used to be one of them, or has info on them, but there is a reason why that they don't want jayne to find red john, atleast before they do.
They (the tyger club) are clearly scared what jayne might find out, and jayne is going to need a continued motivation for the series, so somehow they are involved in a bad way. I don't beleive they are working together, or they belong to red john. red john got insulted by jayne, a collective wouldnt have such volatile emotions, theyd have an agenda and wouldnt risk it just to prove a point, like RJ did. 

So the question is how RJ and the tyger club are linked. 

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