Who is Red John?

Theory #7052 • by Suraj


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Now Ray Haffner is the best chooise dind't it... Yea i think that is he too.
But how someone explain, PJ making him dumb, when CBI Team loses her jobs at the Main Team, the Team of Ray came in, but PJ set a trap and play easy Ray, then CBI Team came back.
So why Ray make himself that dumb?
I don't think so , RJ was a superior ego, he dind't accept going humilliated.

You will see, next episode that can't be him or him dieng, i'm sure about that, its how The Mentalist works, and that site too, they get the information that we have about suspects and mess things to make our minds... Clever...And funny too.

Anyway, i heard that this actor is very expensive, who watched Heroes?? 
He only appear a few times too and when he appear again its Flashback haha.
I think that's true, but this don't mean that he can't be RJ.
He will made his appereance episode 8 or only the last...

And Patrick Jane at the time will discover the password "Tyger Tyger", so that new model of hunting starts. 

But now its goona be excludind i think in that order:
Ray Haffner - Gale Bertram - Reede Smith(again, now with PJ knowing the password and discovering that Reede is lieng about don't know that password)
Then...IN the 8 called RJ


Thanks, good luck dudes.

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