Who is Red John?

Theory #6641 • by Lovellynn


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


My take is Bret Stiles.

Season 01, Episode 23
Rosalind description of RJ:
- Under 6 feet tall 
- Not muscular, yet not soft either 
- Short straight hair 
- A gentle voice 
- Rough strong hands 
- Smell of pine, soil & earth 
- Like listen to piano, specially Bach. Cos of the rigor. 

Season 05, Episode 08
Lorelei Martin mentioned:
Jane and RJ are so similar that she wonder why they did not become best friend when they shook hand.

Season 06, Episode 03 
Dr Sophie Miller recorded:
- Middle age man in good health 
- No prior psychiatric issue 
- No family, but has many friends 
- Well-spoken & show good posture 
- Excellent whistler 
- A hint of narcissistic personality

If based on the above.. 
Stile and Smith are under 6 feet (Jane's height) with short straight hair. The rest are above 6 feet (taller than Jane) Stile is not mascular yet not soft either but Smith is round. Haffner could be but he got workout and taller than Jane which means he's above 6 feet. 

Middle age can refer to Bertram & Haffner while Stile still can consider middle age but McAllister looks old where Smith looks young. Stile have no family but have tonnes of friends and followers. 
How did Stile knows where RJ keep Kristina Frye? How come he can have such power to help Lorelei Martin escape federal prison and Martin know RJ will help her out?

Stile is well spoken. And having great confidence posture which may regards as narcissistic personality. If not, how would he manage to convince Visualize followers?

Great whistler, anyone can be but not all the suspects having the other important traits mentioned by Rosalind and Sophie. (This could be a distraction from scriptwriter. :p ) Among all these men, only Stile have few pleasant encounter with Jane and had Jane help him clear his name on 1 occasion and he help Jane on several occasions. RJ sees Jane as friend or comrade and wants to befriend with Jane which I'm thinking if he can help Jane, he will. Eliminating obstacle for Jane creates a bondage for RJ to reach out to Jane.Hence, my conclusion of RJ is Bret Stile.

Side tracked a bit.
Tyger Tyger seems like another coded word from 604 onwards. Initially recited by RJ to Jane personally. If The Tyger poem is meant to show something to Jane.. Could RJ be testing Jane's ability to believe whether there are really something which Jane do not believe BUT DID actually exist out there. 

I.E. Psychic ability? 

Tyger Tyger, burning bright 
In the forests of the night,
"Tyger, tyger" the repetition creates a chant-like mood to the whole poem, which contributes to the mysteriousness. Reading it, you can’t help but get the feeling this poem is about way more than the biggest cat in the world. 
"burning bright, / In the forests of the night"? Tigers don’t burn. "Burning bright" may describe the appearance of the Tyger (tigers have fiery orange fur), or it may on a deeper level describe a kind of energy or power that this Tyger has. The Tyger's presence in "the forests of the night" further increases the mystery and power of the creature – it’s elusive, while at the same time burning with some sort of inner force.

What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
The "immortal hand or eye," symbols of sight and creation, immediately conjure references to a creative God (in pretty much all cases with Blake, "God" refers to the Christian God). If this is so, then questioning whether God could do anything is a direct attack on the omnipotence of such a God.
To "frame," here, is probably to contain, kind of like putting a picture in a frame. When you frame something, the boundaries are clear, the object isn’t going anywhere.
"Fearful symmetry," is a very nuanced quality to have. "Fearful" references the scariness of a tiger, an old notion of really big, powerful, mysterious stuff that terrifies us because it’s big, powerful and mysterious. The first BIG example that should come to mind: God, or the divine (that stuff is big and powerful and mysterious).
Symmetry is a classical quality of the divine, as well as the defining factor of artistic beauty.

With Visualize in mind and the poem.. Its hard for me to jump out of the box and think of anyone else other than Bret Stiles. Of course, Haffner could be another high possibility of the real RJ as he's also a member of Visualize for long time.. We shall see in 605..

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