Reed Smith ain't no Red John, but he is part of the corrupt law enforcement ring -- code name: Tyger, Tyger. (I'll maintain Blake's spelling since this is what we've been going on up till now)
It certainly looks like Bertram, McAllister, and Reed Smith were discussing matters related to this when they were having their little powwow in 6.2. The question is... (questions are...)
Is this also a RJ thing? If so, to what extent do those who are in the Tyger, Tyger ring know that they are collaborating with Red John? If not, then why does Red John quote the first stanza of Blake's poem to Jane when he rescues him in Red Sky at Night?
There certainly are other elements one could add, connecting RJ to Tyger, Tyger. Perhaps, too many to list here (although I'm sure someone will eventually put that list together for us). But let's just name a couple of obvious people here: Brett Partridge (forensics); Todd Johnson (cop killer).
Based on other details related to these two characters, it is hard to argue that Tyger, Tyger ring is unrelated to Red John (even though Kirkland mentioned to Smith that he was not certain that there was a connection, but he does not know all the details we know). So it would be very unlikely that, say, the Tyger, Tyger ring is trying to pin some of its murders on Red John. However, it does not mean that everyone in Tyger, Tyger is in on the Red John connection. Although some people clearly are aware of it.
<strong>Plausible</strong> = <em>Not all Tyger Tyger ring members are RJ devotees (devotees pledge devotion and sacrifice to RJ)</em>
<strong>Unlikely</strong> = <em>All Tyger Tyger ring members are RJ devotees</em>