Who is Red John?

Theory #6401 • by Jenn Guy


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I always thought the scene when Red John saves Patrick was way more important than we may think:



We all know Patrick has an extremly sharp eye and notices everything and I mean every single little thing.

My first thougt when watching this scene was: Patrick now knows who Red John is. They are staring at each other from 1:32 to 1:50 from litteraly 1 inch. Jane has too good of an eye not to notice something. At least the color of the eyes, the way RJ breathes, smells, walks, something. He wore a mask, I realize that, but he had openings for eyes. Just like they are on every mask. And the smile on Patrick's face at 2:43 when RJ leaves confirms that in my opinion. He noticed something.

I was, at that time, sure Partridge is RJ. The voice, the teasing coming back simillar to what Patrick did to him at the start of the episode... I'm just not sure Heller is sticking to this plan. I think Partridge was supposed to be Red John, but a lot of people figured that out too quickly, so there is a possibilty Heller changed the story and someone else would be THE guy we are all curious to guess. Or Heller thought we're so dumb we won't think of a possibilty that Partirdge faked his death. We'll see.

For me, the most important things, that point to Partirdge are: voice, the fact he is there from the very first episode and the most important one: Patrick feels very uncomfortable around him. I don't care about Sophie's or Rosalind Harker's description. I believe what I see. And Jane is always in control of people. Except Partirdge irks him, as he says. Jane also says that he feels on the crime scene when RJ is involved. So, he also feels the negative vibe when Brett is around. He just doesn't have anything to be 100% sure and is never truly alone with him.

I think Patrick knows who Red John is for a while, but he is playing the game, trying to trick RJ just like he does all the time with every other suspects at the crimes that occur during episodes.

Let's hope for a great ending to Red John saga and a fascinating continuation of the series, because it is just great!

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