Who is Red John?

Theory #6167 • by babahitman


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


☺ He matches the physical description Rosalind Harker gave Jane. ◔̯◔
☺ He is affiliated with Visualize, and Red John is as revealed in season 5 (when they show a smiley face painted on a house owned by Visualize).  ๏̯͡๏
☺ Red John's alias is Roy. Ray. Roy. You see where I'm going with this.  ॓_॔
☺ He is involved with the police/CBI so it's easy for him to know someone on the inside that can cover up his tracks.  ๏̯͡๏
☺ He visited Lisbon at the hospital to check on her and he said they should date in the future. This affection could be a reason Red John didn't kill her when he killed Brett Partridge.  ๏̯͡๏
☺ As revealed in season 1 episode 16, one of Jane's clients is "Amy Haffner". Am I seeing a possible relationship . . . ? ◕ ‿ ◕

☹ The only thing making me a little hesitant on choosing him as RJ is that in season 4, when he was Jane's boss, Jane tricked him into believing he had solved a case by placing false evidence at the crime scene. If RJ is always a step ahead of Jane, then this wouldn't be the case. I still think, however, that RJ was just playing Jane to see how smart he really was.  ◕︵◕

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