Who is Red John?

Theory #6045 • by MrsJohn


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I have been watching this show from the beginning, always had a sneaking suspision that Brett Stiles has something to do with the RJ case...possibily orchestrating others. RJ does not work alone "he has many friends". There is a duality I haven't noticed anyone on the forums state related to tyger, tyger...could BRETT partridge and BRETT stiles play into that duality...father/son, who knows. I have always though brett and patrick were the only truly charismatic characters on the show so the solution involved them somehow...the other characters are simply too boring, mundane, some obsese (smith), not wealthy enough etc..and most just do not have the AURA or personal characteristics of someone who would be orchestrating this whole big ploy against patrick. I do think there is some connection to Vanpelt and Krystina Frey - the red hair and creeply calm demenours (not to mention open/intiutive characteristics) are no concidence. Overall though these are just pipe dreams/ideas/feelings I've had since the beginning but one thing I really believe is that we, the audience, are being mislead constantly by the producer and characters on the show who give us outright ' clues' about RJ...very few of which I think will prove accurate (red herrings). I think there has been a lot of deception about the real RJ from these sources, so be careful what you buy into and believe. I think the moral/main idea once this (amazing!) show has ended will be the importance of going with your gut, even when others are telling you different facts. Intuition is a big theme in this show so I am on edge waiting to see how this plays out for the final finale...what is the morale for the audience here?! I would love to ask Patrick Jane right NOW on gut reaction who he believes RJ is. I believe he knows in his gut but is unable to prove it. Don't fall for the red herrings, go with your gut. Brett Stiles is involved!

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