Who is Red John?

Theory #5539 • by Jane & John


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


In Season 1 Episode 23 , Rosalind Harker wrote RJ a letter saying she found this address on a buisness card down the back of the sofa, how could she do that if she is blind? You may say RJ planted the letter and Rosaling knew nothing about it, but Jane said to her "in the letter you wrote him you said he was cruel to you" and she acted as if she knew about the letter. So either Bruno Heller messed this scene up on accident(highly unlikely) or Harker is not being truthful about RJ's identity. Harker said Roy smoked alot, none of the suspects have been seen smoking if i am not mistaken? But dumar, the cop who brought the elephant, matches the description she gave of Roy, so maybe she never met RJ and only Dumar? Or perhaps she is lying about everything.

Also is Strawberries and Cream pt 2, how did Timothy Carter know that Jane and Bertram would be in the mall? Jane would of told Bertram in the car where they are going, so maybe he sent a text out the Timothy? Also after Jane had the meeting with Bertram, Bertram picked up the phone and the scene changed so we didnt see what he said, maybe he rang carter, told him to park outside the CBI, and follow Jane's car when he leaves with bertram? If this is what happened , RJ is Bertram.

But i doubt this for some reason, and none of the suspects really stick out to me as RJ , so i dont have a suspect for RJ.

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