Who is Red John?

Theory #5431 • by Jtalent


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


This is my first post I have done like everyone else and looked for clues inside of everything and I really like how far people go with their theories so I'll throw my stuff out there too.  First I always go back to that episode "Red Johns Friends" where Renfrew was killed and written in blood was "he is mar" or could have been "he is man" Well this list is very important because what if what he meant to say was he is many because you have all of them conspiring together except for Haffner, Partridge, and Stiles.  I don't think Partridge is dead I think Red John would do something like that to change the game to try and gain back the element of surprise if Jane thinks he is dead he won't be expecting him also Lisbon said that he said Tyger Tyger and the only people to say that have been red john and the killer that worked for red john so why would Partridge say it and Jane blew it off quickly when Lisbon said it I also have the theory it could be a trigger word for being hypnotized.  Now finally one last thing if it was "he is mar" mar is an abbreviation for master arts in religion.  Well there is just some of my crazy ideas I think its still Partridge.

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