As far as physical descriptions of RJ go, I can't put too much stock in them. I bet he has hundreds of disguises and perhaps appears with many personas to different people. Reede Smith is the wheres waldo character like Bruno Heller said. R.S. is perhaps just a persona and disguise! Cuz honestly its very interesting if RJ has showed his "true face" to Patrick. Why would he do that? It would be unnecessary. And if he has shown his true face I would say he's Reede (or possibly Mcallister). Plus I trust Patrick Jane and his 7 suspects list, unless he made it to trick RJ somehow. Jane knows more about RJ then we do. Why would Reede be on Patrick's list if he obviously doesnt fit the characteristics of RJ? (it would be patrick trying to trick RJ)
So he's there for a reason and Patrick has reasons for all of the suspects! Dont get caught up on the minor details! Try to think about the big picture because a huge theme of the show is that things are always different than they appear on the surface.
I'm am one of those who believes one of the 7 is RJ and the other 6 probably work for or have some sort of connection to Red John. I don't think Partridge is dead, but I don't think he is RJ either. Why would RJ reveal himself so easily? I bet RJ used Patridge to lure Lisbon and then maybe he did kill Brett after all.
Bret Stiles- most obvious choice to be RJ so its not him
Gale Bertram- second most obvious choice to be RJ, it would be interesting if it were him to see how Lisbon reacts
Bob Kirkland- third most obvious
So its too hard for me to believe its one of these three
After Reede Smith, my next choices are Haffner, Patridge, and Mcallister in that order.