I was somebody who thought for sure that Brett Partridge was Red John, but after last night... Obviously it's someone else. Regardless of who it is, I think BP was definitely an agent of RJ. When PJ came face to face with RJ in the season 2 finale, I think he was definitely talking to Partridge, who was posing as RJ. It's not the first time RJ has sent a follower to pose as him. In the season 3 finale, Timothy Carter (the man PJ shoots and kills) claims to be RJ and PJ even believes he is the person who actually killed his wife and daughter, not RJ himself. Also, Todd Johnson (the cop killer who was lit on fire and killed by Craig O'Laughlin) said "Tyger, Tyger" to PJ as he was dying, just as Partridge said to Lisbon as he was dying. Definitely a RJ agent.
As for Reede Smith...
Bruno Heller said that Red John is a Where's Waldo character in the series, not someone major. I think RJ is going to be someone no one suspected, and going into last night's episode, I noticed that there were only THIRTEEN theories about Reede Smith. Read some of the theories... they're pretty compelling! Especially the one about the origins of the names. That's good stuff.