Who is Red John?

Theory #4619 • by Kyle


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So...Heller said that we would all be disappointed when they reveal RJ identity...and honestly thinking, everybody from the list wouldnt disappoint me of being RJ...any of them would be so obvious to me once RJ is revealed by something...example Stiles the smart and charming powerful man, or Kirkland who is acting strange all the time, Brett P. the psycho, or any of them would be a RJ to me by something..if you get me what i mean...and they were all RJ to me by something ..who could disappoint us much more than the people that are not on the list of being RJ....the list is there, its legit but what is PJ has an other list?

Please think about RJ as a person who would disappoint you the most...if its from the list or not...think widely!

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