Who is Red John?

Theory #4604 • by redcouldbeany1


Gale Bertram

Gale Bertram
Suspected in 460 theories


I think that everybody overlooks something very important when considering the seven suspects on hand...this being that whoever Red John may be isn't going to be Red John in their every day life...if Red John is truly a mastermind like Jane he will have the uncanny ability to convince people that he's someone he's not....Brett Partridge, for example, could be Red John simply hiding his charming personality from the world that knows him as Brett Partridge...the same is true for the remaining six suspects. I think that when you look at it from this perspective it is impossible to narrow your list down...and when you think about it, the least likely a character is to be Red John...the more interesting a hidden side to that character could be. And example in mind is Gale Bertram. Next time you watch in episode in which Bertram speaks, imagine a high pitched, soft Red John voice. Imagine the way he acts as a scheme such as many of the ones that Jane pulls in which he's hiding who he really is in order to outsmart everyone else. After watching the season 4 premiere, I'm far more intrigued by the idea that Bertram could be Red John. But then again, anyone could be Red John if the writers want them to be...its only a matter of creating two characters in one. This is less of a theory and more of an observation...but consider it next time you compare each suspect to Red John.

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