Who is Red John?

Theory #4334 • by paulwcfc1967


Gale Bertram

Gale Bertram
Suspected in 460 theories


A few previous theories on this regarding Gale Bertram have really got me thinking and now I'm almost 100% sure he's our man. If we look back to the season 3 premiere, he shows up at a crime scene simply to talk to the cameras, as he has a fierce interest in public image- just like Red John: he has killed atleast 4 people, simply for being made to look bad on TV. Who better fits that persona than Bertram? When he meets Jane, he shakes his hand and calls him "Boy Wonder", which can't just be a coincidence, I'm pretty sure it's a clue that he has a connection with Jane's childhood and the carni lifestyle(could explain the memory, and the Lorelai death setting). Probably RJ's idea of a joke. People would argue about his appearance, but I think it's clear now that Rosalind's description is inaccurate. Jane obviously doesn't trust it or else why would Stiles, Smith, McAllister etc be on the list? I think it'll turn out that she lied to cover for him, because she's still in love with him. In the season 3 finale, the main thing that bothers me is how Jane doesn't click, that the only way Red John could have arranged the plan in the mall, is if Bertram is RJ or atleast in league with him. Only they and the team knew about the meeting! If you watch the scene in the mall again, notice how GB keeps looking over at Timothy Carter. It's also interesting how they both read the same newspaper days apart, a subtle clue from BH? With Todd Johnson's murder, obviously O'Laughlin killed him, but what if Bertram was also there to make sure he got the job done properly, there was a lot at stake after all! He later knew he had to sacrifice O'Laughlin(convenient slip of the word 'rope'), to lead Jane to Carter and save his own neck, but probably didn't bank on Jane killing his friend. Hence why in season 4 he wanted Jane jailed and was clearly angered. Ron Deutzch, the bald security guard, was an insurance policy..there to recover Carter's weapon if anything did happen and to show Jane just how much smarter he was than him. But if you look closely, early on in season 3, Ron is visible in amongst a group of Visualise members.  In the following episode, Haffner is given Lisbon's job ( probably hired by Bertram to watch over Jane), and it's later revealed he too is a Visualize member and a probable Rj associate...so there's a fine pattern there. It wouldn't surprise me if Bertram, being either a member or former member of Visualise, is given 'followers' by Bret Stiles or just recruits them on his own terms. Next there's the William Blake poem which he recites to Lisbon and La Roche. This proves how literate and well read he is and that he shares an obvious passion with RJ that isn't very common. Other small notes are he is very well dressed-always in a suit and tie, wedding ring on his left hand, well connected in a position of power, drinks tea whilst sitting with legs crossed like Jane, and is an avid fisherman. In his office there is a fish mug, a fishing ornament and a painting on his wall of the sea. Being a fisherman, GB must be experienced at gutting fish etc and so would easily have the required skills to be RJ. There's also Jason Lennon, his accomplice, who we also know loved fishing.

Then there's the mysterious business of him being all friendly and secretive with the murderer Bob Kirkland. It looks to me as if Kirkland is Bertram's trusted right hand man, his "good friend from the FBI". It's possible he ordered Kirkland to pull strings in order to get updates from Minelli on the case, and then when Minelli refused to cooperate anymore and retired, he took the job as director, so he could continue the spying mission himself. His position in the CBI allows him to give Kirkland the ropes in the Lorelai case. I'm confident he done this because he was worried and needed his best man on the job. He had to keep Lorelai and Lennon quiet, but obviously couldn't risk leading the case himself, or else it would be way  too suspicious.

 I think Kirkland asked Lennon if he recognised him simply because he needed the comfort of knowing that his identity as RJ's right hand man is safe, and that only they know. The line about "hoping that if he were in his shoes, there'd be a friend nearby to kill him quickly too" further indicates to me that he is only an accomplice and meant that if and when Jane catches him, he hopes RJ will kill him before he is arrested or before Jane can torture and painfully murder him. Regarding the Lorelai video, I'm sure RJ guessed the list based on the knowledge he already had and made a provisional video. After killing Lorelai, he probably got Kirkland to break in and make sure it was accurate (could then easily edit any bits he liked). I'm excited however to find out what Jane's plan is regarding the broken toothpick..I think maybe Jane just wanted to get his attention, worry him into making a bad move.

This may prove unpopular but i think at this stage, the least likely suspect is the biggest favourite with the fans, Brett Partridge. People should forget about the voice, because it's not that simple,  most likely Red John uses a voice modifier or else I'm sure Partridge would have been caught by now? Anyway, it makes sense that you wouldn't pick the obvious candidate, from the very beginning, to be your shows main antagonist, but opt to shock the fans with a not too obvious but very viable suspect like Bertram or say Haffner for example. The main thing for me though is the line "if there's one thing I can't tolerate, it's cheap imitations of my work". If you watch Partridge he takes great pleasure in the work done by the imitators, and gets excited by it, not Red John like at all! He just seems too unprofessional. Also, I can't see Red John just standing back and taking insults so easily from Jane, with barely a reaction. Remember he's a showman, an artist, who hates being demeaned by anyone, let alone his arch rival. He has killed for less!
My predictions for season 6 are, we will see the deaths of a few off of the list such as Kirkland and Haffner, and most likely find out who red john is before the characters and then watch on from both perspectives. I also think we might see RJ striking out at one or more of the team members such as Rigsby or Van Pelt, who are both rumored to be leaving unfortunately. In my head I have the perfect ending already (for me)..after a great mental battle of words(or wouldnt it be great to see Jane vs Bertram/RJ play each other at poker, after Jane taught him so well), I can envisage an emotional Jane unable to find it in himself to finish off Red John, but Lisbon steps forward and kills him, after all these years of her saying she's the law, and he'll be tried in court, blah blah..then they can finally be together!
Anyway thats my theory, thanks for reading this! I can't wait till season 6, Sept 29th!!!....most likely I'll be well off, but we'll soon find out! Greetings from bonnie Scotland :-)

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