Who is Red John?

Theory #4146 • by Breaksr6


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


+?+wow its funny how msny rediuculous theories there are people are letting their imagination get the best of them and creating these crazy complex senarios and when this entire site is filled with them everybody starts thinking that way and it becomes infectious... Bruno is just a man imsure his choice of red john has changed over the years multiple times because he didn't know that the mentalist was going to be so successful to last this many seasons, so he wasn't going from the start of the show thinking okay were gonna catch red johnin season 6... so its safe to assume a lot of the clues are useless. Up until now all 7 of the suspects has something that can make them the red john cus nothing concrete evidence has been shown to us to choose one certain one, and all of our oppinions are just speculation (like how everyone thinks brett partridge will be it cus hes creepy, his name is the artpiece of William blake etc.) it can be anyone people stop saying things like "well since the blind girl who hasn't seen a thing more than a century gave a height and a color description of roy tagliaffero, are you serious? first of all that is not a credible piece of info to be able too say "okay haffner is too short hes out" and knock off a suspect cus of such flimsy piece of evidence lol shes blind and shes dealing with red john who manipulates the best of the best you don't think that a blind girl who lived alone most of her life is easy to manipulate?? Also just on the side note how can she tell the hair color of roy if shes blind shed have to ask someone I just thought that was funny anyways.every single person is a suspect for a reason because they all could potentially be red john!!! that why they are on the list for god sakes!!?no matter what Rosalind says they all could be red john and that's that, Bruno wouldn't make it any more complicated than it is to choose someone else, to lie in actual interviews or choose clever words like the theory that the real suspects are in janes book.. no these are the suspects and people kept thinking of more and more complex scenarios and it just went out of control now people are saying rigbsy and van pelt are fuckin red john WOW..Bruno said that when we find out who red john actually is we will be disappointed, now that could mean a few things:?(1) its going to be the obvious suspect, like Brett Partridge, obvious as in what the majority of the people think, so people would be disappointed because there are a lot of lavish far out theories out there and it happens to be the obvious guy..
(2) Its going to be the ?non?-obvious suspect, like Mcallister or Reede, someone who we know nothing about, so we would be disappointed because we know nothing about them...
(3)Its going to be someone who the majority of the people do not see red john as.. because hes this manipulating bad ass who makes people want to die for him, smooth with the ladies all that stuff, so if it happens to be reedes fat ass or partridges awkward ass it would disappoint us.
CLUES ABOUT RED JOHN:(1) He is a man
(2) Profile description given by Rosalind (although the credibility of the source has to be considered because he was her lover, plus he could have manipulated her somehow so thats why i dont take this clue that seriously)
(3) Great powers of manipulation, seduction
(4) Has "minions" in all government agencies including FBI and CBI, has alot of connections
(5) has been a member of visualize
(6) was at the farm when RJ was young (around 20 i believe)
(7) RJ and Stiles have a connection in some way which is still to be determined, but they know of each others actions
(8) hes a showman, artistic, cultured, sets up his kils so the peple see the smiley then they know what happended and after see the bodies
(9) Similar in behavior to Jane, drinks tea, has a wedding ring on the same finger as jane, sits similar to jane
(10) very self protective, hates being talked about and his work slandered
(11) extensive computer hacking knowledge
(12) Similar to jane (lorelei said she couldnt beleive they didnt become freidsn the moment they met)

Anyways enough with that now im going to explain my theory on why each of the 7 suspects can or shouldn't be red john (in my opinion of course) since almost everyones theory has like half the suspects cancelled out by simply stating "nope cant be him hes too short" or some go as far as just saying "he cant be red john.." and don't give any reasons why... ALL of the people could be RJ otherwise Jane wouldn't have put them there to begin with..
Suspect #1: ?Partridge?     Brett is the number 1 suspect for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, my top ones are
          [+]he matches rosalinds description (even though her credibility isn't that high)
          [-]Cant see him being smooth enough with the women to pull it off hes creepy
          [+] Jane calls him a "ghoul" which is a name for serial killers
          [+] is at all the red john crime scenes
          [+] Was at the first episode of the show, and throughout the whole series including   the season 5 finale      
          [+] Creepy, Macau demeanor, enjoys his work a bit too much
          [-] isn't strong enough to pull off some things red john does in my opinion when hes killing
          [-] Hes too obvious to be red john (which might be true and the reason why Bruno said wed be disappointed)
          [-] Feels like hes a bit too young to be at the Farm but the actor is older than he looks so he might be the perfect age but I think Bruno is trying to portray him younger than he is in real life.
Suspect #2: ?Kirkland
          [+] ?High up in his career, has a lot of power
          [-] ?Isnt so good at conversing with people, awkward social skills
          [+]? Unknown past
          [?]??[1] ?Seems to be involved with red john somehow (with or against RJ) when he killed lennon I believe was his name in the hospital

Suspect #2: ?Bertram
          [+] ?William Blake quotes
          [+] A lot of influence in CBI because of being director, powerful career choice
?          [-] ?Too old for the description Rosalind gave us, bald doesn't fit the profile much
          [+] ?Since he does work at CBI he can stay close to Jane
Suspect #2: ?Stiles
          [+] ?Leader of a huge cult (religion) Visualize has a lot of connections
          [+] ?Great at Manipulation (tried to get close to van pelt, teaching her the red smoke trick, shows how hes good with females too)
          [+] Has a connection to RJ (knowing the location of Frye)
          [+] Has connections inside CBI (haffner) and other organizations
          [+] Already has people (visualize members) who would die for him
          [+] Only suspect to hav an actual relationship with jane, he seems to be intrigued by him doing favors for jane
          [-] Doesn't fit rosalinds profile
          [-] Old age might not be able to do some killings that require better physique that red john does
          [+] Played by very well known actor
          [+] Says to Jane "I know more than you or RJ will ever know"
          [+] No records of home, car nothing, everything he has is in visualize or under a diff name
Suspect #3: Haffner
          [+] Matches Rosalins profile
          [+] Is a member of visualize
          [+] Could have been at the Farm at the beginning where red john started his killings
          [+] Tries to recruit Lisbon by offering her a new job (just like RJ does gives his apprentices something they want in exchange for loyalty)
          [+] Asks Cho if Jane is smarter than him, showing interest and a little RJ mentality there
          [+] Powerful career choice, works at CBI can oversee Jane to an extent
          [+] Very social, good with women, attractive he can seduce if need be
          [-] Jane tricks him with that red book to get Lisbon back to work, not very clever of him
Suspect #6 McAlister
          [?] Not much info at all about him, only appeared in 1 episode but it could be a good thing or bad
          [-] Doesn't fit rosalinds profile
          [-] doesn't seem to have the social skills to amass followers and seduce females
          [+] Played by very well known actor
          [-] Not such a powerful career position as a sheriff, isn't close to Jane much
          [+] Since he is a sherrifof a small town I think hes quite mobile and can travel a long time without being noticed or being away too long
          [?]??[2]"He is Mar" or whatever the real spelling is can be meant to mean "he is Marshall"
?Suspect #7: Smith
          [+][3] His name is contract to "the red is me"
         [-] doesn't fit rosalinds profile
         [-] seems too hot headed to be RJ
         [-] Isnt good with the ladies cant see him making a following of die hard desciples
         [+] Strong enough to kill like RJ does
         [+] don't know much abut him
          [1] ?Some people say he cant be red john cus he didn't draw a smiley on the wall after he killed the guy in the hospital.. he first of all didn't have time and he didn't butcer him so
there isn't a need to draw a smiley, example would be the episode where the two college students capture jane and have grady ship try to kill him and RJ ?shoots ?them and doesn't draw the smiley because it wasn't his usuall method of killing, hes not gonna risk getting caught for that..
          [2] There are many different theories on what that phrase means "he is mar", some people say "he is Mars" after ellis mars but he isn't a suspect so ill say that's false, others say it looks like IIe Is Mar, meaning season 1 episode 2, Marshall, which is interesting, others say the r at the end of Ma is actually an s... etc.
          [3] The hint in the name just seems like a bunch of other hints that each suspect has pointing to them that really doesn't prove anything, I think because Bruno didn't give us literly anything about smith this is just 1 thing to help us say "okay MAAAYBE its him", since we don't have anything else that makes him look like RJ
CONLCLUSION:There are more + or -'s for the suspects being red john i just named a few, my point is that each of them has something so none can be just dismissed. The best clue that we have is what bruno said that we will be dissapointed when we find outthe identity of RJ. I think Bruno changed his mind on who red john is a few times so tehre is alot of misleading clues, and alot of them just to make us wonder nothing substatial is given yet just speculatory clues which people take too far by creating crazy theories and building off of each others energy so now the most basic  theories are "too boring" and people just pay attention to other ones. Also, its crazy how many people still think RJ is jane, and worse yet lisbon or van pelt! are you kidding me?? RJ is one of those 7 people thats the bottom line no matter how boring that sounds Bruno isnt gonna make some unbelievably complex scenario for RJ he is just a man as he says.. My best guesss is he said we would be dissapointed because its gonna end up being Stiles, he is the only one that has already shown to us to have the qualities that RJ possesses, every other suspect like partridge hasnt shown anything just a few random "clues" if you ewant to call them more opinions and over examinations because if a person tries so hard to find clues you will find them.. Stiles is the reason why its going to be dissapointing in the sense that he is the most obvious one (even though he doesnt fit that lame rosalinds description, which i never trusted much at all to take the word of a blind girl on measurements thats been in contact of RJ hes not stupid people..) Stiles has the charm, following, power, and he is the only one that can get under janes skin, and the closest "friendship" to jane out of all the suspects, its going to be him because if its not the whole next season the staff would have to prove to us why its the other suspects by creating the clues that season, which would be awefull writing if they do. Any of them can be red john but using occums razor or however you spell it, the theory with the least amount of assumptions is the correct one, now ask yourself which has the least ammount of assumptions, that either stiles, a man who we see has great manipulative skills, leader of a religion and an obvious link to RJ (knowing where Frye was), or brett, whos only said a few sketchy things and happens to be a creepy person, with no actual proof of anything relating to RJ exept the things he says (which people over examine to be related to RJ), no manipulative skills at all, wierd low power job etc, TO BE RED JOHN! which one sounds like the obvious choice people im not being biased towards stiles or anything i actually thought it was going to be haffner but the more and more i think about it and read more random ass theories the more i see all these little clues aas a smoke screen to hide stiles, there arent any word play about his name like the writers do about literly every character, everything that they give us to swallow is about the other suspects, and yet the most compelling info that the character displays like his manarisms are overlooked because WERE EXPECTING OVERLLY COMPLICATED THEORIES... Stiles is literly where is waldo in this barrage of random clues and useless name contractions, the man has actuall links to RJ and yet we just cant exept it we have to think its more complicated because we want to be suprised and shit, stiles is literly the only one who has shown all the qualities that RJ has..

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