Who is Red John?

Theory #3932 • by cbow11


Reede Smith

Reede Smith
Suspected in 124 theories


Obviously there is no way to be completely sure, every character has done and said a million things that make him or her just as likely to be red john. But Im going to assume Heller isnt being tricky when he says RJ is one of the 7. He says we will be disappointed when we find out, and Reede would be ver very disappointing because his role in the show is so small. Also, rearrange the letters in his name and it spells "The Red is me." Finally, the only episode he appears in is titled, "The Crimson Ticket." Remember when RJ has Jane and he says Roll Tide? Well the Crimson Tide of Alabama use that slogan, and the ticket thing sounds like a football reference. But I can make strong cases for Partridge and Van Pelt as well, so who knows!?!?!?!?!

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