Who is Red John?

Theory #3026 • by Saik13


Teresa Lisbon

Teresa Lisbon
Suspected in 154 theories


I Predict the person everyones looking for is Terasa Lisbon. Yes i know its sounds obsurd and nobody wants it to be her but we cant disgard it. We know that her and PJ have a 'love kinda relationship' as stiles point out. And we know that RJ has a sexual desire for PJ, the way lorelie firstly seduces PJ romantically before admitting she is with RJ when she could have just told him. And we all want patrick and Teresa to be together, how weird would it be if it were true.

We know RJ is left handed also by the way  He/she drinkstea, i think she is also left handed.

I think the turning point is when Jane finds out they have shook hands and that the person knows him very well, too well. Maybe in the next season we are to be introduced to Lisbons childhood, get to understand her experiences, of her father and brother as we dont know much really. The list in my opinion is a distraction from the truth which was right in front of us, that RJ is Lisbon.

Also I think Kirkland has a personal Vendetta towards RJ He kills his associate in the hospital. If anything hes not a suspect, and i bet that in the next season you see him and Jane team up to capture RJ.

I know its a long shot!
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