Who is Red John?

Theory #2717 • by classic87


Ellis Mars

Ellis Mars
Suspected in 36 theories


I have a theory...

Lorelei is a key.
Either Lorelei Martins is alive, or she has an twin/look alike which read a script to Jane at the final of season 5. 
Nobody from a Patrick Jane "7 people list" is Red John, but 

[almost all/all] of them are his close accomplices.
Kirkland is one of them, and Jane knew that from the start, so he easily manipulated him by placing toothpick, and letting him steal fake information of 7 NAMES which Kirkland updated Red John with later on (RED LETTER DAY) 
Patrick made a fake info of 7 names, and "gave" them to Red John, so he could think that he is a step ahead of Jane. 
Jane is mastermind, he would never leave evindence of names behind him, so instead of that he used that same evidence against Red John by giving him an "illusion" of step ahead.
But Red John is not step ahead.
Jane is step ahead of him, and his accomplices now, leading them all by fake proofs, evidence and "illusion". He tricked RJ into making video, made him think that he is on Jane's level of thinking which he is not on, even if he is a mastermind criminal.

My pick still ELLIS MARS which everyone forgot about, that "too kind" psyhic, who appeared to protect his identity. I have many theories on him but we shall see if I'am right.

I thought of this theory from my point of view because this is what I would do, and I'm sure it would be genius way to get a great twist. Just a theory tho. =)

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