My opinion - No one is going to get a tape measure out and measure anyone's height. Nor will they reference anyone's imdb page for height. Walter Mashburn being "too tall" is moot. The description of RJ was made before a lot of these actors were cast for their episodes - and I think once they found their perfect Red John actor, height went out the window. He is my #1 pick - I think it would play out fabulously.
I also think it is worth mentioning that our previous encounters with Red John, whether his voice, his arm, his silhouette, we're likely done by random actors - not the actor who will turn out to be Red John. Much like in the movie Scream. So making any comparisons there is likely worthless.
I want to think age - as established in the Red Barn episode - is a clue we can rely on. That eliminates a few suspects. But with all the acts by RJ followers, I'm not sure what to believe. And I guess that's half the fun!
It's amazing in rewatching episodes how many clues you can find for just about all of the suspects! And there are some great theories here as well!
My list of 7:
Walter Mashburn
Tommy Volker
Ellis Mars
Dean Harken
Virgil Minelli
Max Winter
Brett Partridge (hope it's not him - was torn between him and Haffner to round out my list)
One more thought to add...I feel like having a connection to Lisbon would be something RJ would get a kick out of. Anytime a character has shown a special interest in her, it has been a red flag for me.