Who is Red John?

Theory #2418 • by jacur1


Virgil Minelli

Virgil Minelli
Suspected in 126 theories


Come on
people! There are some ridicoulus theories here :D 

The guy with his tongue cut off is not connected to RJ in any way in my
opinion. He is just trying to say something and I'm pretty sure it's some
random words. I don't hear anything like "it was him red john" haha.
It's just closure to the episode and Lisbon is realizing what's in the
tupperware box.

thing – why shouldn’t we all be excited about upcoming season finale? I think
it would be very intense and the fact that Jane has a list of 7 suspects is not
the whole point of the episode :P Actress playing Lisbon said that the episode
would be surprising. There would be some twist for sure and some new
information about RJ maybe. Of course there also should be massive cliffhanger
to keep us through summer! So I’m really looking for it.

As for RJ
my money is on Virgill. It would be very interesting and not disappointing
solution at all for me. It would be cool to rewatch the episodes with him (and
there are so many!) and catch little clues that were there all the time. I see
RJ as some older guy like Virgill and a little bit of oldschool (season 1
finale, the farm and all this stuff in the house). It’s more like Seven or Saw
kind of mood than some ultra rich guy, Lamborghinis and women (Mashburn kind of
guy) if you know what I mean. Also his conversation with Patrick on the pier is
a clue for me. It can be understood in two ways. When Patrick told that for one
time he has advantage over RJ and Minelli said “You sound nuts my friend” that
would be awesome if he is RJ. And also conversation about Dorothy from Cansas
and Patrick asking If I’m Dorothy then who are you? And Virgil’s answer It
doesn’t matter who I am J It could have no meaning at all but on the
other hand it could that’s why it is so good RJ for me. He could also have a
lot of money and connections which are not explained or show. He also likes
fishing like the guy Lorelai shot. A lot of clues really if you think more
about it or maybe red herrings :D

My second
suspect is Jason Cooper ;D Not much history but it would be also nice. And the
hug Jane gave him what was all this about? He may be testing his suspects
really subtle how they react and surprising them.

Max Winter
could be good Red John too. There are really some possibilities for writers and
it’s cool.

Bertram would be surprising but disappointing for me. Kirkland no way he is
definetely shown this way to throw us off track it would be to easy. There's
another story besides him but he is not RJ. Anyway take care!

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