WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO THIS SHOW??? WHY??? THIS HAS BEEN THE BIGGEST BALLDROP TRAINWRECK IN TV HISTORY !!!!!! ..........The Red John character/storyline was the most compelling thing on tv for the first 3 seasons .....Timothy Carter was the perfect Red John.....they should have ended RJ then and Season 4 could have been the "New Beginning" .........Season 5 have the B.A. as the villian. Season 6 C.B.I. Killer/ JISBON ................................................NOT A RJ FAKEOUT FOLLOWED BY 2 SEASONS OF A RJ JERKOFF....THEN THEY PICKED MCRedJohn OUT OF A HAT.......THEN IN ABOUT A SEASON INTRODUCE --"NEW BEGGINING" , ABBOTT, WHYLIE, FISHER.....CBI KILLER...JISBON....they dismantled the B.A. off screen and killed off Stiles and Haffner off screen .....they never mentioned RJ again ..... McRJ .....what a fuckin joke on us