Who is Red John?

Theory #18789 • by Red_Joker


Kimball Cho

Kimball Cho
Suspected in 93 theories


Just watched the series finale and I'm speechless......what the fuck was that??? Nothing has made sense since S06E08 "Red John"...... I don't even give a fuck anymore .... I've written about the RJ reveal and New Beginning and this Jisbon trainwreck too many times ........THE MENTALIST POST RED JOHN HAS BEEN A COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE..... no explanation of RJ. ......not even a mention .....the first five seasons were all about Red John ......EVERYTHING IN THIS SHOW REVOLVED AROUND RED JOHN............EVERYTHING!!!!!!! The only episodes I can go back and rewatch are the first 3 seasons after the season 3 finale the show just goes to shit........ Complete shit!!!!

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