Who is Red John?

Theory #18686 • by Terokal


Walter Mashburn

Walter Mashburn
Suspected in 325 theories


LOL, what about the sneek peaks of ep. 11 ... huh ? ... the psychic dude is really "shy" when it comes to talking to a low rate agent who is mourning someone he didn't even really know ... and after being questioned by the team all of the sudden, dude has no trouble speaking to a bunch of journalists and taking the spotlight ... brilliant indeed ... guess that's one of season 7th bright twists ... I've read all the recent posts and it's links ... this crap finally ends ... would have been better to watch it ending with Jane staying in coma, and Lisbon playing a Mary Magdalene sort of role for two years, besides him while he is in some sort of a purgatorium "dreaming" delirium ... all this useless shit I've been watching since ... bah ... big thanks to CBS, bruno heller & writers, and of course the whiny dry granny cunts and teen wet pussies who were legion (making their EMO clips at youtube) as viewers ... they all destroyed this (once upon a time) good show ... the dark side of "The Mentalist" wasn't R.J. but the cheesy soapy repulsive bad written love story ... nothing wrong with jisbon, but why in such a ridiculous way ? ... fuck 'em all.

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