Who is Red John?

Theory #18529 • by Stoopkid


Lorelei Martins

Lorelei Martins
Suspected in 44 theories


Just saw EPISODE 4!!...SPOILERS!!!!

Another great episode.
This season is cool and really keeps me entertained.
People tend to forget the old murder of the week cases were pretty cut and dry typically about a vengeful husband lover or wife. With the fbi the cases are more colorful.
I miss my GVP and Rigsby but Abbot and Wiley are a good tradeoff.
Erika Flynn was...hot. I hope we see some more familiar faces like Stiles Freye and LORELIE!!!
First time we heard her name in years!
And by the way Jisbon is great. You are all afraid to admit it but Jane and Lisbons relationship is MUCH more interesting and entertaining now.
Season 1-6 "jane what are you hiding
"Nothing lisbon"
"I am mad at you and walking away"
That Lorelie and Mashburn line was GREAT!
Next week we have Abbotts family involved.
He is my man.
And once again i see NO WAY the show can build up a new bad guy in enough time to make a two hour series finale about.
No, the series finale must be about the past or someone returning from the dead. Cough Stiles, cough Lorelie.

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