Who is Red John?

Theory #18527 • by Egbert


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


To be frank I really have given up on this show - BH lost interest and tied the thing up in a crap-coloured ribbon. The end of the Red John story (and, indeed, Patrick's only real reason/motivation to work for the police) was truly awful.

The character development over the last season feels like it has been handled by a nine-year-old child. For example, how did Lisbon just become an FBI agent? Even Cho spent a year or two training.

But Lisbon was just handed a badge?

How does that work?

It doesn't matter: this is The Mentalist. Nothing makes sense and nothing means anything!

When they got away with the appalling McAllister business they clearly realised that the audience would swallow any old rubbish. And this attitude shows. The plots are repetitive, the dialogue is empty and they have replaced drama with melodrama - story-telling without a strong character-driven plot. Things just happen because they happen.

But somewhere in my jaded, disappointed brain there are a few remaining cells that believe the producers and writers are still just setting us up for the REAL Red John finale. Crazy, right?

And those few cells have been obsessing on the lack of physical contact, intimacy and warmth between Jane and Lisbon, the girl he forced his way onto a 'plane to woo (In reality you would be shot in an american airport, or be taken to a CIA torture room, if you did something like that).

"Supposing they are not really in love", my poor desperate brain cells cry out, "but they want to provoke the real RJ into showing himself, now that Jane has found happiness in a new love?"

So, could this remance be a charade?

Is it a trap of sorts?

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