Who is Red John?

Theory #18522 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So, the weekly story was much better even if the shooting of the convenience store guy was truly horrific -- like NEVER become a cashier at a convenience store people.  In fact, don't even GO into one.  It is apparently thee first place a sociopath on the run goes to.

Yes, Wiley has Rigsby's forehead, but that's about it.  I don't hate him in the show, but I think his input and presence should be minor, at best, and only in lieu of the other team members needing him during a trick

Fischer and Vega seem to fulfill the same purpose:  being stiff and procedural, with a few comments about their irritation with Jane's methods [yawn…]…not even close to fulfilling the gaping hole Grace left

Though Grace did challenge Jane -- it was more on a personal, emotional, existential level -- her views on life….otherwise, Grace was mostly in sync with Jane  on the "team" level

And that's what I miss about this show -- that feeling of the "team" -- despite their differences, they all RESPECTED each other tremendously

Abbott works well as a part of the "new" team -- he's one of the best things about the show now, he adds so much depth to every scene he's in…but the Grace and Wayne replacements have been stale, at best!

AND, as I suspected [yawn]...Vega is likely there for a Cho romance…seems confirmed by this week -- she "looks up to" and "admires" him…asks can she "follow" him around….[like a puppy dog]

Cho is seriously under utilized

And, one last thing….Jane and Lisbon touched more when they weren't together.

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