Red Johns
Piggybacking off if Hll i have been thinking about the many red johns theory lately. Its the only plausible way to explain the different styles of Rj. I wrote this a while ago but it seems to fit todays theme.
John and Jane doe.
Red John Doe.
What if there was a manipulative mastermind out there.
He/she used people to kill for him or her. They were john do's with a knife and an order to kill.
This mastermind hated the Ba.
Wanted them taken down but you cant just kill the members because they can easily be replaced. This mastermind guro cult leader saw Patrick Jane as a great asset.
One he gets to play this game with Jane and two he can lead Jane to the Ba and very slowly i might add.
He killed Janes family to control him. Just like he does with a lot of his followers. Jane would search high and low for him but low and behold a master plan to take down the Ba.
He used Macalister to kill Janes family to ensure that Mac would later be killed by Jane.