Who is Red John?

Theory #18344 • by Hll


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Here's a stab in the dark, but an effort to make some sense out of nonsense...

IN TRUTH, we've watched Jane "chase" after NO ONE basically for 5 years......because McRJ doesn't match the RJ clues....not even close....Jane closed in on a bunch of Blake Association people...THAT'S ALL in my opinion

I always did believe McAllister when he said..."You got it wrong...I'm not Red John."  

And the whole mythical calling McRJ a "whale" who was "sighted" and "chased" [in a "thrilling" way]....uh, no....that didn't happen.

McRJ was a chicken...and he was choked and died like a chicken by a duck pond after being spooked by a pigeon...REALLY?!!!  I doubt any of us will get over this BIRD BRAINED scenario...anyway...

Back to the WHALE metaphor.....

We think RJ and the WHALE are the same.....well, RJ has always been RED....but the WHALE in Moby Dick is WHITE...and clearly called the "WHITE WHALE"...[and I say this because of the big deal Heller makes in using color symbolism].  Of course, the way things have gone with Heller, he always reserves the right to UNUSE what he set up in the first place.

But 1,001 clues that go nowhere, let's go with this idea of colors representing people for theories sake.....So, if the whale is not Red John, then who could the WHITE WHALE be?  And who have we SEEN as WHITE more than anyone?  WHO was wearing white the last time we saw him, that night in Malibu?  STILES, of course, and he portrayed himself in Malibu as "lily white," too, seemingly innocent of any BA or RJ activities, hands clean.....he was just a poor soul who didn't pay his taxes who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, blown up and conveniently long dead.

And how can we forget 
Stiles in that WHITE robe as he paints RED onto naked women?  Seriously, doesn't anyone think that image could have some future use now...in lieu of a Seventh Season? 

The only character in my opinion whose been truly SIGHTED and CHASED....is Bret Stiles....right from the moment we met him...and finally, in Season 6, more in the public sense...

When Jane got the 5 remaining suspects to Malibu....Stiles and Haffner went out by faking their deaths...but not before they hypnotized the yokel Sheriff to take the rap for them.  I always thought that the van Stiles rode down in to Malibu....that was filled with tons of flowers...was really covering explosives....and perhaps a few bodies...

Just because Jane seemed to be chasing other suspects more than Stiles...doesn't mean that Jane is still not chasing Stiles...I think Jane is waiting patiently...playing along with what he thinks he's meant to believe....

And in Moby Dick, WHO actually chases the white whale?  Captain Ahab...but we don't think PJ is like Ahab, do we?  Ahab is consumed with rage....which is much more like RJ.

Jane, who is much more like the hero, Ishmael...the lone survivor...wanting the whale killed and yet, watching the whole revenge story play out between Ahab and the whale...which could be translated to mean....

What if Red John is Captain Ahab...and Stiles is the White Whale...and what if JANE knows this...and that he is caught in between some kind of revenge story....between RJ and his father....

How do you find this theory?
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