Who is Red John?

Theory #18292 • by Stoopkid


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


-Something never talked about is that La Roche died because he was Ba.
-He killed the gas n go clerk because he was ordered too. If u re watch it you blatantly see La Roche wait for jane and Lisbon to walk away then he got in the car. Dude got out of his cuffs in 3 seconds, when does that happen unless you wanted it to happen.
The season 3 finale was one the first times the Rj story line was about the Ba.
This was the first Rj thing that didnt pan out. Madeline on the run and the gas station bomb didn't work either. It was not Rj it was the Ba.
Ardilles was in this ep too because he was wondering where Hightower was and guess what? He is Ba as well and thats why he died.

This ep was about a client list that a man with a bomb stole and Hightower on the run. I think there is something more with the list and the Ba. Thats why La Roche killed the clerk.

Todd Johnson killed cops for Rj.
Olaughlin killed Johnson for Ba
Ba framed Hightower and never even questioned Olaughlin about he murder!
Ba sent Olaughlin to kill her.
Again Rj is never this sloppy.
Plus he hired a hitman?! Wtf
-And why would Rj take away Carters gun making Jane go to Jail?
Rj wanted the game to continue but the BA did not!

- I know i post a lot but i do it bc you guys should be doing it more!
Don't sweat the trolls that dwell in the dungeons ripping apart the very thing this site is made for.
There is a chance the Rj stuff isnt over so lets runs with that.

*** Lets take a poll what would you rather read?

1: a Rj theory whether crazy of concise OR
2: F the world F heller its all over i am never watching again etcetera.

Hey theres no harm in venting but we have some clues to talk about.
Red John revival time.
Don't forget the 5 great seasons we have seen.
I suggest going back and watching old episodes. You can really pick out what the Ba does and what Red John does and see somewhat of a pattern.

One episode should not ruin 6 years of great writing and surprises that blew our mind. One episode does not change the chance of a great conclusion to everything.
Watch the old episodes. Look for the connections. Ba vs Rj
Post about them.
Its whoisredjohn.com not commentsectionhatinasses.com

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