Who is Red John?

Theory #18236 • by Stoopkid


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


Its not over.
Red John is a member or ex member of Visualize.
Unlike Macalister, he actually has dogma and strong beliefs.
When Lorelie was speaking about her sisters death she said it was ok because it showed her the "true self" that visualize always talk about. Even Rebecca Anderson spoke along these lines. Living a false reality and not noticing it until it is later shattered by a tragedy putting things in perspective.
Opening ones eye to reality in a truthful manner.

The reveal went the way it did because it was an illusion. Just like Jane said anything that looked to be true on the surface was in deed false. Theatrics. There is a reason why we don't know what happened before the blast.
Its ambiguous for a reason. The leftover survivors all awoke at the same time. How did Macalister manage to wake up before, carry all the bodies, and leave before Lisbon got there.
Do you really think Haffner and Styles are dead? No way they died off camera .
If one person faked their death why wouldn't Styles do the same? The man wanted by the fbi i might add.
Why would Macalister go thru all the trouble of faking his death just to appear a day later?

Styles and Haffner will be back and are already building hype around it.
If Heller knew there would be a season 7 since Baker was signed to a 7th season, why would he reveal all on season 6? Season 6 was one big lie or deception thats why its the number 6.
Season 7 will be truth finally filling all the plot holes. Holes are usually filled in the shows last season.

The Jisbon thing is over and done with and now it must be destroyed. Red John never wanted Jane dead.
He wants to hang out and be friends with Jane and will hurt anyone close to him.
Lisbon better watch out or she'll end up like Deb in Dexter!

My suspect list either red john or accomplice:
Patrick Jane- long-shot
Ray Haffner- boy is he gonna be mad Lisbon is with Jane
Fischer- has mole written all over her. Why did you see a
Psychiatrist agent?
Pike- stage 5 clinger. Could be the obsessive compulsive type seeing how fast
he became obsessed with Lisbon. Could seek revenge.

Questions to be answered:
Janes house wtf?
Anything regarding red john?
Who made the cbi hitlist?
Who is the fbi rj mole? Or the visualize mole or both!
Who will cho fall in love with? Wiley?

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