Who is Red John?

Theory #18227 • by Stoopkid


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


There is a good reason why a lot of people think this was all a dream after episode 8.
It really seems like a false reality. Everything was rushed and patches together last second.
Nobody brought up red john hardly, the Ba a little, Visualize at all, and the cbi hitlist was never explained.

I think season 7 is where reality catches up to everyone. Jane is at an all time high and i glad the jisbon stuff has come and gone already. The only way for Jane to go is down.
Has everyone seem Dexter? I look at Jane and Lisbon as Dexter and Deb his sister who has incestuous thoughts about him. Which fits perfect cuz Jane and Lisbon are like bro and sis.
Dexter's lies and games finally caught up to him.
Who knows what Jane has manipulated. The guy is crazy and always gets what he wants.
He could have made the cbi hit-list and made everyone think it was haibach. Haibah only kidnapped Gvp no way he stabbed Ardilles like that.
My point is we really don't know where reality starts and illusion begins.
Jane crying after killing Macalister was weird to me only bc Jane was happy when he Killed Carter right?

Season 7 will be bloody. I sure hope it is too.
There is nothing else for the show to do then to revisit the past and what better time to do it then the encore season.
I bet you Heller and the team knew for a while they would get a season 7.
It was up in the air for us fans but i am sure Heller and cbs had it planned out.
With that being said why shoot your load too early? Save it for the true finale .
Season 7 will cover the plot holes. Styles and Haffner will be back. That tweet was not just a joke its all publicity.
And if Haffner is alive you know he has a few skeletons in his closet. And if he finds out his crush is with Jane he is gonna be pissed!
No way Macalister set off a concussion bomb. Knocked himself out and was able to get up and carry all those bodies himself and make a clean getaway before Lisbon showed up.
In reality he woulda been knocked out as long as everyone else especially since they all woke up at THE SAME EXACT TIME. Weird.

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