Who is Red John?

Theory #18201 • by Hll


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


My seventh sense tells me the reason for the unfortunate turns of events on the Mentalist, including, but not limited to: the lame RJ reveal, the contrived getting Grisbsy off the show yesterday stunt, and the puke worthy hook up of Jane and Lisbon -- is due to Simon Baker.  Yup, that's right, Simon Baker.  
My theory is that Baker: 
1) wants to be the main romantic lead, working more on chasing skirts than serial killers -- but he doesn't want to lose his status as being "Patrick Jane" by quitting the Mentalist to do different projects -- so therefore, he has to change The Mentalist to suit his interests. 
2) Baker's been extremely jealous of Owain Yeoman, who was getting to make out, grope and get naked with Amanda Righetti for years [that's why he probably demanded that Red John send him a chick LOL]
3) Baker's secretly attracted to Robin Tunney, and after the Lorelei love scenes, he just couldn't take it anymore -- the sexual fantasies about Tunney were really starting to get to him....[not to mention he's been married to the same woman a LONG time, which is not easy for an actor at the height of his fame to do] 
By changing the direction of the show, and exploring Jane's "romantic side," Baker could get more than just his ego stroked, and the wife can't get mad -- because it's his work! 
So, I think Jane kissing Lisbon, and the whole Jibson thing, was like about 80% Simon Baker's doing.  When Heller took on the new project, Baker realized it was the perfect time to influence, manipulate and try to change the direction of the show.  I bet he used the Jibson fan base as proof of what America really wants and for good measure probably fought hard to end the RJ story, saying that the RJ storyline is for "ghouls" anyway.  LOL 
HOWEVER, Tunney, on the other hand, I think, doesn't even remotely find Baker attractive, AND loves his family, his wife….and as she has said in interviews she "would like to think she can keep on having dinners with Baker's family" without it getting awkward. [when asked about a possible Jibson hook up by the press] 
Welp, unless Jane's doing the longest con in TV history, Tunney's gonna have to have dinner somewhere else because it's ABOUT to get awkward LOL

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