Who is Red John?

Theory #18190 • by Bluebird


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


I know I'm not that welcome here, because I belong to the people who kind of liked the finale..
Yes, it was cheesy, it was quite forced between Lisbon and Jane, but I don't care! I mean, I care, but I don't want to NOT watch this show! I will always watch it, no matter what. I feel sad we have to wait 8 months for more episodes!
I do agree with people that 'Jisbon' don't have sexual chemistry, they have more like an emotional chemistry..The writers must have thought it won't be renewed, that's why they did this..To make most fans happy, who wanted them to get together..Damn, I wish they had brought back Stiles!!! :(

To be honest this episode still seems like a dream to me, I can't believe it happened! But I can't say that I'm pissed off and angry, I'm just not. I'm confused..But I'm not giving up on it and I'm sure most people from this site will be back when season 7 starts. :)

Have a good summer!

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