Who is Red John?

Theory #18056 • by lukastef


Bob Kirkland

Bob Kirkland
Suspected in 751 theories


ive been watching all episodes with brett stiles. Just wanna say that it would be so good if it ended like this. We know that RJ was a member of visualize. So probably he learnt how to manipulate people and how to create a cult like bret stiles did. Maybe RJ was a good man once and bret stiles brainwashed him into killing timoty faragot ( he ran visualize before stiles) and killing that cop that created a false report on that case. So RJ became evil and wanted to go away from visualize so he killled that man on visualize farm so he could get kicked out of that cult and create his own.So stiles knows who RJ is but he wont tell anybody because RJ knows what he did to thimoty faragot. If RJ was caught visualize would be destroyed so he wont tell who he is. I always imagined something like this you guys too bad that stupid heller didnt explain RJ links to visualize and how stiles knew where is kristina frye. I created this scenario in my head so i can be satisfied i hope you guys like it

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