Who is Red John?

Theory #17883 • by Stoopkid


Teresa Lisbon

Teresa Lisbon
Suspected in 154 theories


Fan Fiction.
Abbott is done with jane. The deal is off the table and Jane will be tried for the murder of red john ep20

Jane encountered that Lorelie was in the fbi. That is why the fbi wanted her so bad and went to great lengths to attain her. And how they were aloud to steal her and show a replacement inmate in her place. That was never explained how they pulled that off.
Alexa Shultz is working for red john in the fbi.
Jane causes a shitstorm and abbot gets him arrested.
.....Lorelie was confident rj would get her out of jail. That means rj is fbi or Brett styles. Styles eventually did get her out of prison. Not many people have that kinda pull.
In watching old episodes its weird watching Bertram help Jane out with Rj stuff. It seems like Bertram really wanted Rj on a platter. A fish platter. Fischer platter haha
So we have Red John the ego maniac who paints the face and craves attention and we have a leader of a secret organization who doesn't want anybody to know who he is. Devoid of all ego. Plus it would be the first serial killer ever to create a law enforcement underground mafia as well as having visualize like brainwashed followers. How does a serial killer and lowly sheriff start owning governors and judges and law enforcement as a whole?
-red john alive or not there is a major hole in this saga. Rjs footprints seem to lead two completely opposite ways.
The male dominated BA vs the female brainwashed Rj followers.
Classic ying yang ish

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