Who is Red John?

Theory #17866 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories



About to board the plane to DC, Lisbon stands at the airport gate with Jane.  Pike approaches them.

Pike: "Are you ready, Teresa?"
Lisbon:  "Yes, I'm ready."

But Lisbon hesitates, because deep down, she's secretly hoping that Jane will stop her.  However, Jane has no intention of doing any such thing, saying.

"Welp, you guys better hurry, or you'll miss that plane."

Pike confers:  "He's right.  We'd better go.  Well, it's been real fun knowing you Jane.  Stop in if you're ever in DC."

Jane:  "Oh, yes, definitely, thank you.  I just might take you up on that."
Lisbon: "Well, I'm sure we'll have a couch in our new place."
Jane:  "And make sure it's a good one.  Preferably leather..."

Lisbon laughs, sharing a knowing look with Jane. 

Jane:  "Oh, and uh, one more thing.  Marcus, be good to Lisbon.  She deserves it."

Pike:   "Oh, will do.  I look forward to many years of doing just that."

Lisbon blushes.

Jane:  "Good."

Lisbon:  Well, goodbye Patrick.  Take care of yourself, okay?"

Jane:  "Yup, promise.  Bye."

Pike and Lisbon leave.  Lisbon wants to look back, but she doesn't.

Jane watches them go, smiling, but once they are out of sight, he becomes wistful -- even though he knows he's not good for Lisbon, deep down, he doesn't really want her to leave.  Still, he knows he can't hold her back any longer -- poor Lisbon has already spent a decade as a veritable nun following him around.  He has to let her go because hooking up with her would be like marrying his cousin.  
He watches through the window as the plane takes off, knowing he's done the right thing as much as it hurts. [Oh so Casablanca...]
THEN, LATER: BACK at the FBI: Jane decides to head west again, to his Malibu house.  He's going to put it up for sale, and travel around a bit.  Jane packs up the RV and says goodbye to Cho, who has decided to stay in Austin, making the FBI his home, as he has also recently hooked up with Agent Fischer and they are "exploring" a possible relationship together to see who can keep a straight face longer.  Abbott wishes Jane wouldn't go and tells him there's always an open invitation to come back, thanking him yet again for the Transformer toy.  

Jane pulls his RV out, waving goodbye to everyone, including Wylie, and he heads out for the highway.

Later, after driving a while, Jane stops at a rest area for the night.  In the back of the RV, there's an empty tea cup and a copy of Moby Dick on the counter.  And we see that Jane has crammed his trusty old couch into the back of the RV, too.

Tired, weary and seemingly lonely, Jane lays down on his couch, staring straight up...

….when suddenly THE PIGEON appears, flying in through the window, landing on the back of the couch.  Patrick smiles.  


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