Who is Red John?

Theory #17861 • by thatsawrap


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Out of curiosity, where are you folks getting the idea that Jane is going to be encountering any legality issues regarding Red John?

Because that is frivolous.

There will be no charges against Jane, for killing Red John (and yes, Macallister was Red John)

It's so obvious the show is setting up for a series finale. Not a season finale, but a series finale.

The remaining cast is going to go there own ways.

I know everyone wants Red John back, but it will not happen.

In just a little over 5 weeks, the only episodes you will be watching from there on, will be reruns.

Sadly, the show botched the Red John chapter, but he has already been revealed, killed and is no longer part of the show.

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