Who is Red John?

Theory #17848 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Does every last shot have to be of Jane on his old couch with his lonely self?  Okay, we GET IT, Jane hasn't changed or moved on ONE BIT [and 2 years later since he supposedly killed RJ and the show's gone in a "new" direction].  Yeah, whatever...

Jane says in the episode [Violets] where we first meet MARcus Pike...that   "The key to a good con is always making the MARk feel that he's in control.  You can lead a man anywhere as long as he thinks that he is driving."  Okay TWO things come to mind:

1) No, I'm not saying Marcus Pike is RJ: he's too young, too new, too obvious.  But I mean -- OF COURSE Lisbon's new love would be with a man whose name translates to RED HERRING.  

2) Is this what Jane is doing now?  -- Making SOMEONE whose NAME shall remain NAMELESS think that they are "driving" and "in control" while he bides his time?

In [Silver Wings], Jane says to the Redheaded Female Killer "You needn't be a MARtyr" [when he gives her a pillow]

And then, there's "near a body of water"  and "no such thing as psychics" [definite ALLUSIONS to Kristina Frye]

Oh, how I hate those last minute tease and double entendres now, the bastards...

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