Who is Red John?

Theory #17623 • by ForrestGumpIsRJ


Kimball Cho

Kimball Cho
Suspected in 93 theories


Hey guys and gals, I have been coming to this site for a while now and truly read some amazing things (also some terrible and down right disgusting ones but meh) I just wanted to say that as far as I am concerned RJ is now out of our lives for good. "White as the driven snow" confirmed it to me. Never have I ever seen an episode of a "Crime-Drama" especially one like The Mentalist which has, in my mind set the standard for this type of entertainment for so many years, fall so hard and so fast in such a short amount of time. Like seriously fucking Haibach managed to bug the phones of all the ex Cbi peeps and set up a trap for laroche and Rigsby that elequently. I mean these people didnt even work for the CBI anymore they were scattered all over the place like that is some serious shit and some bitchy little paedo managed to get one over on them ?..... hmmm. The writing has become some of the most appaling I think I have seen for a show like this in all of my life. I hate to post something so miserable as my first post on a site that I have come to cherish quite so much but It has got to this point and I am sure alot of you feel the same. Rewatching the show from the begining just shows me that in the end that had not a single fucking clue as to how to finish an era in TV as great as RJ's so they let a monkey pick out McAllister's name from a hat. I still watch and still hope and dream that maybe its not gone but dear god does that feel so far away from possible.
I hope every one on here carries on speculating and writing because it is truly fascinating
Best wishes to the lot of you,
                                      Yours Faithfully
                                                                 An extremely dissapointed Mentalist Fan

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