Who is Red John?

Theory #17612 • by krobhag


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So...I'm home sick today and thusly binge watching Season 2.  (Not that I need an excuse or anything...)

In Red Bulls - Bosco and Jane are chatting with an informant from a drug gang and ask about their tattoos.  The informant says that a lot of people are copying their tattoos as a means of deception.   We know that the three-dot tattoo (in actual life, not TV life) has several meanings and has been used by different groups to identify themselves.  

I'm sorry if I am treading on overly-trodden ground but if ALL the people who were doing Red John's bidding who are also law enforcement were also in the BA - then they would all have that tattoo. And, clearly, they don't because several of those people have been killed.  It would seem to me that the three dot thing is just a deception (as I know many of you agree with.)

In the same episode - Van Pelt gets shot but is wearing a vest.  In the ambulance, she slaps Rigsby (who wasn't wearing a vest) and makes his promise to always wear a vest.  This is both poignant and ironic given last week's seemingly super-human vest-less feats.  

On another topic - did any of you detail-oriented people notice that in the bar scene Jane said Grace was "a price above rubies" which is also a Season 2 episode title.  It is, itself, a bible reference to "a virtuous woman".  Not sure what the meta relevance would be but I found it interesting.  

There are so many of these little things that suggest that the writers are not total idiots and have a least a passing appreciation for detail and maybe this is all going somewhere.  Or they are just coincidences.  But one can hope.

Or maybe it is the flu talking....

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