Who is Red John?

Theory #17608 • by Stoopkid


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


If Red John is still alive...
He is not a he !
This guy has no ego whatsoever even though we are led to believe he is a ego maniac.
-jane eluded to this in "white lines"

Red John only works though Jane.
Timothy Carter took his place and Red John did not freak out, he waited until agent Darcy was bothering jane to show himself. It had nothing to do with letting the world know it was more about getting Darcy off Janes back. Hooking Jane up so to speak.

Then Red John let his legacy end with Bertram. Macalister was cool with letting the world know that Bertram was Red John and him and Jane killed each other in the church.
Ego maniacal? A serial killer would never let someone else take his place in the bloody hall of fame.

I gather from all this that Red John is a woman or is Patrick Jane himself.
Its weird that a serial killer cares about one guy so much. All Red John ever wanted was for Jane to join him. Join him in what? "Imagine the life we could lead"...

Lorelie- will she make a return? Her lifeless body had not one scratch where the gunshot wound was suppose to be. And i would say it was bad writing but she had the bloody bandage on her arm in the dvd. She may of been fbi, because she seemed more like a hired gun than a simple brainless Rj pawn.

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