Who is Red John?

Theory #17598 • by Stoopkid


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


Ok back to business. No rest for the wicked.
I am not trying to guess who Red John is and win a cookie or anything.
But i do have some ideas to throw out there because
A LOT of us know and feel that a big surprise
is on its way.

1: Marcus Pike- Lisbons new boy toy with darkness in his eyes.
He will obviously butt heads with Jane but there may be more to him.
Jane joined the FBI which was a past enemy of Cbi to get a closer look at them.
Rememebr the fishbowl line?
The fbi was always shady especially when they stole Lorelie. Shit Lorelie may of been FBI.
He is Mar cus pike. Maybe Rj found Renfrow so fast because he knew the hooker...
Maybe she was leaving a clue that we all wished would be explained. Maybe.
Also an amigo informed me that the actor is gay in real life.
Could be a great fit for a serial killer who has a crush on Jane.

2: Visualize- Creepy Cooper, Zombie Haffner or Styles- You never know with these weirdos.
Red Johns followers sound like Visualize memebers.

3. Kristins Freye- A Red John apologist. The only Red John supporter in the show who is not a follower.
"Imagine the life we could lead". Always wants Patrick to admit she has powers. Red john is always trying to recruit Jane. Which is another reason why Macalister was a pawn. Mac never said anything about Jane joining him
and RJ kept Jane alive all these years because he/she wanted him to join. Rj is in love with Jane. Roll tide.

4. Cbi Ron- Wheres Waldo? Why did the writers boost Ron's appearances
in episodes 1-8? Why was he at the hospital when his partner and the rest of the squad was at Cbi?
Why didn't he stop a man with a gun chasing Jane and GVP?
Did Ron answer Lisbons phone when Jane called?
Ronbon has a office crush on Lisbon maybe ? Haha Ronbon

Agent Fischer- " i was hired to spy on you"-Fischer to Jane
"Me and my team were just about to search this whole island for you"-Abbot to Jane
Her demeanor says everything else as well as her magic wand.

Wylie- ehh why not right?

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