Who is Red John?

Theory #17590 • by Gervais


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Bruno Heller said Red John is done.
Simon Baker said Red John is done.

"How'd it feel when you got the news you'd been picked to be Red John?
Xander Berkeley: Fantastic! I was stunned and flattered. Earning this little place in pop-culture history was the last thing I ever expected."

Jane is finally out of his depression after like 10 years, they have moved away from that now. The show has a new direction. They are NOT going to bring back depressed Jane again, he will not have to hunt down another Red John. Use your brains people!

As the weeks go by, more and more of you will admit that this is true because nothing's going to happen. Stoopkid will be the only one by the season (or series) finale who will still be a 100% sure that RJ is coming back. Poor guy! :D I guess we should let him enjoy his last 7 weeks when he can still feel a bit important here. :D

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