Who is Red John?

Theory #17575 • by Gervais


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


A lot of you guys still don't get it after such a long time..
The fact there's never any explanation doesn't mean that there's something big going on in the background!!! NOTHING'S GOING ON!! We will never get an answer to why Heibach waited 2 years, why neither he or his sister didn't have a shoulder wound, etc..The writers don't care about shit like that anymore. Bruno Heller has his hands full with his new show now. 

In the next few episodes Lisbon will have a boyfriend and then probably in the last episode she and Jane will have some kind of a romantic moment. And that's it for season 6.

I think the only people who still think RJ is alive have brains smaller than a pea..

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