Who is Red John?

Theory #17568 • by iknowmorethanstoop


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Who is Red John? That is easy to answer. Red John was Sheriff Macallister. That's right, you already know who it is. The Red John era is done and over. Bruno Heller could not have made it any more clear than he once did. He warned that the identity of Red John would be a disappointment. So of you think it is, some of you do not. Those of you who are disappointed are the people who are looking and hoping for more, pertaining to Red John. Either you miss Red John, you do not like the "new" Mentalist since Red John was killed OR you cannot accept that episode was truly "it".....Red John was revealed, killed and over.

Heller went out of his way to make sure that YOU would know that Macallister WAS indeed Red John.

-You saw the Sheriff actually speak with the Red John voice (yes, I know Baker was the actual voice in the studio)

-Jane said the only way he would be able to confirm Red John's identity is to look him in the eyes and ask him. Which he did!

-After he shot Red John, the scene focused on Jane's face and him muttering "You're Red John"

Jane was convinced Macallister was Red John. Jane killed Red John. That's it!

If you're looking for the end title to have some reference to red or Red John, you're obviously setting yourself up for more disappointment.

The show is not backtracking. It's not going back to anything to do with Red John.

The only thing this show is doing is setting up for it to end, showing that everyone has moved on since the Red John days. Sure, there is plenty of crime to be solved, but anything related to the Blake association, Visualize, Red John is ancient history!

The new Mentalist is whittling the cast down to where they all have moved on!!

The final episode is going to not lead up to a final confrontation with Red John, but with everyone is doing well and moving on with their lives. Not to mention something leading up to Lisbon and Jane getting involved with each other.

Remember, hearts can mean love, too!

My prediction is the finale will be on Jane and Lisbon becoming romantically involved. Not this Red John ship that sailed last November!

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