I cant even leave my house today i am so embarrassed ;) Just playing, this shit is not about me you gosh darn trolls!!
Haha I am a writer believe it or not. I like to write and honestly don't care about being right. I was just trying to entertain you guys and I hope I succeeded in that.
But I liked the episode. It had my heart racing and I thought It was executed well. Could of been better yes, but i am not picky.
I know you guys don't want to hear this but Haibach was NOT behind the cbi hit-list. He simply reacted because he found out he was a suspect again and the last time he was a suspect bad things happened to him.
No way he stabbed Ardilles like that!
No way he had the technological wherewithal to tap all those phones.
We are still in for a huge surprise later in the season. The writers for episode 22 wrote every red john episode together.
Jane said "we need to break the pattern" and thats exactly what the show did. We all though red john was behind this and he wasn't but fear not because there is a much bigger darker force behind this whole big hit-list thing.
Seriously all those random names on the list Haibach has never even heard of those people let alone wanted to kill them all!
Keep the faith :)
My new list of suspicious suspects: