Who is Red John?

Theory #17522 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


This site is alive again!!!!
So many great posts from people with OPEN MINDS!
I have not seen this site like this since everyone was convinced that Brett Partridge was Red John.

So it looks like we have 2 major suspects:
Grace Van Pelt and Wayne Rigsby
Who woulda thought that after all this time crazy ass stoopkid was right ?!?
And yes i will expect apologies from certain posters who called me horrible names and stalked me for months.
But your ignorance only made me stronger !! Jk its just a show ! But what a great show it is!!

Jane is using Haibach just like he did in the Panzer case.
It makes red john think Jane is on the wrong trail but wow is RJ wrong.
Jane has been waiting for moment for years now!

So my question to you is ...Grace or Wayne ?

How do you find this theory?
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