Who is Red John?

Theory #17376 • by Stoopkid


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Macalister is NOT Red John reason #1748385

Why on earth would Macalister show up at Patricks house knowing darn tootin well what was going on amd submissively let it happen then set off a bomb?
Then let Patrick live and fake his own death just to appear a day later to frame Bertram and himself and kill Patrick?! Lol
He coulda just killed everyone Janes house and handled it there instead of getting surrogates and all that noise.

Also Jane said the scene at his house was theatre and what ever seemed to be true then the OPPOSITE was true.
Well the opposite of what happened would be that Red John was not even on the list and planted the bomb.
Macalister faking his death wasn't the opposite of what happened at all.

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